# # Copyright (C) 2023 The LineageOS Project # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # A/B $(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/virtual_ab_ota/launch_with_vendor_ramdisk.mk) AB_OTA_UPDATER := true AB_OTA_PARTITIONS := \ boot \ product \ system \ vbmeta \ vbmeta_system \ vbmeta_vendor \ vendor \ vendor_boot AB_OTA_POSTINSTALL_CONFIG += \ RUN_POSTINSTALL_system=true \ POSTINSTALL_PATH_system=system/bin/otapreopt_script \ FILESYSTEM_TYPE_system=ext4 \ POSTINSTALL_OPTIONAL_system=true AB_OTA_POSTINSTALL_CONFIG += \ RUN_POSTINSTALL_vendor=true \ POSTINSTALL_PATH_vendor=bin/checkpoint_gc \ FILESYSTEM_TYPE_vendor=ext4 \ POSTINSTALL_OPTIONAL_vendor=true PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ update_engine \ update_verifier \ otapreopt_script \ checkpoint_gc # Dynamic partitions PRODUCT_USE_DYNAMIC_PARTITIONS := true # Init files PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ fstab.mt6789_vendor_ramdisk # Shipping API level PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL := 31 # Soong namespaces PRODUCT_SOONG_NAMESPACES += \ $(LOCAL_PATH) # Inherit the proprietary files $(call inherit-product, vendor/infinix/X6833B/X6833B-vendor.mk)