/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Marek Belisko * * Based on omap3-beagle-xm.dts * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ /dts-v1/; #include "omap36xx.dtsi" / { model = "OMAP3 GTA04"; compatible = "ti,omap3-gta04", "ti,omap36xx", "ti,omap3"; cpus { cpu@0 { cpu0-supply = <&vcc>; }; }; memory@80000000 { device_type = "memory"; reg = <0x80000000 0x20000000>; /* 512 MB */ }; aliases { display0 = &lcd; display1 = &tv0; }; /* fixed 26MHz oscillator */ hfclk_26m: oscillator { #clock-cells = <0>; compatible = "fixed-clock"; clock-frequency = <26000000>; }; gpio-keys { compatible = "gpio-keys"; aux-button { label = "aux"; linux,code = <169>; gpios = <&gpio1 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; wakeup-source; }; }; sound { compatible = "ti,omap-twl4030"; ti,model = "gta04"; ti,mcbsp = <&mcbsp2>; }; /* GSM audio */ sound_telephony { compatible = "simple-audio-card"; simple-audio-card,name = "GTA04 voice"; simple-audio-card,bitclock-master = <&telephony_link_master>; simple-audio-card,frame-master = <&telephony_link_master>; simple-audio-card,format = "i2s"; simple-audio-card,bitclock-inversion; simple-audio-card,frame-inversion; simple-audio-card,cpu { sound-dai = <&mcbsp4>; }; telephony_link_master: simple-audio-card,codec { sound-dai = <>m601_codec>; }; }; gtm601_codec: gsm_codec { compatible = "option,gtm601"; #sound-dai-cells = <0>; }; spi_lcd: spi_lcd { compatible = "spi-gpio"; #address-cells = <0x1>; #size-cells = <0x0>; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&spi_gpio_pins>; gpio-sck = <&gpio1 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; gpio-miso = <&gpio1 18 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; gpio-mosi = <&gpio1 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; cs-gpios = <&gpio1 19 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; num-chipselects = <1>; /* lcd panel */ lcd: td028ttec1@0 { compatible = "tpo,td028ttec1"; reg = <0>; spi-max-frequency = <100000>; spi-cpol; spi-cpha; label = "lcd"; port { lcd_in: endpoint { remote-endpoint = <&dpi_out>; }; }; }; }; backlight { compatible = "pwm-backlight"; pwms = <&pwm11 0 12000000 0>; pwm-names = "backlight"; brightness-levels = <0 11 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100>; default-brightness-level = <9>; /* => 90 */ pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&backlight_pins>; }; pwm11: dmtimer-pwm { compatible = "ti,omap-dmtimer-pwm"; ti,timers = <&timer11>; #pwm-cells = <3>; }; hsusb2_phy: hsusb2_phy { compatible = "usb-nop-xceiv"; reset-gpios = <&gpio6 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; #phy-cells = <0>; }; tv0: connector { compatible = "composite-video-connector"; label = "tv"; port { tv_connector_in: endpoint { remote-endpoint = <&opa_out>; }; }; }; tv_amp: opa362 { compatible = "ti,opa362"; enable-gpios = <&gpio1 23 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; /* GPIO_23 to enable video out amplifier */ ports { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; port@0 { reg = <0>; opa_in: endpoint { remote-endpoint = <&venc_out>; }; }; port@1 { reg = <1>; opa_out: endpoint { remote-endpoint = <&tv_connector_in>; }; }; }; }; wifi_pwrseq: wifi_pwrseq { compatible = "mmc-pwrseq-simple"; reset-gpios = <&tca6507 0 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; /* W2CBW003 reset through tca6507 */ }; }; &omap3_pmx_core { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = < &hsusb2_pins >; hsusb2_pins: pinmux_hsusb2_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x21d4, PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3) /* mcspi1_cs3.hsusb2_data2 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x21d6, PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3) /* mcspi2_clk.hsusb2_data7 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x21d8, PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3) /* mcspi2_simo.hsusb2_data4 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x21da, PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3) /* mcspi2_somi.hsusb2_data5 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x21dc, PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3) /* mcspi2_cs0.hsusb2_data6 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x21de, PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3) /* mcspi2_cs1.hsusb2_data3 */ >; }; uart1_pins: pinmux_uart1_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2182, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* uart1_rx.uart1_rx */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x217c, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* uart1_tx.uart1_tx */ >; }; uart2_pins: pinmux_uart2_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x217a, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* uart2_rx.uart2_rx */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2178, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* uart2_tx.uart2_tx */ >; }; uart3_pins: pinmux_uart3_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x219e, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* uart3_rx.uart3_rx */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x21a0, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* uart3_tx.uart3_tx */ >; }; mmc1_pins: pinmux_mmc1_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2144, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0) /* sdmmc1_clk.sdmmc1_clk */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2146, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0) /* sdmmc1_cmd.sdmmc1_cmd */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2148, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0) /* sdmmc1_dat0.sdmmc1_dat0 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x214a, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0) /* sdmmc1_dat1.sdmmc1_dat1 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x214c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0) /* sdmmc1_dat2.sdmmc1_dat2 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x214e, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0) /* sdmmc1_dat3.sdmmc1_dat3 */ >; }; backlight_pins: backlight_pins_pimnux { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20ba, MUX_MODE3) /* gpt11/gpio57 */ >; }; dss_dpi_pins: pinmux_dss_dpi_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20d4, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_pclk.dss_pclk */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20d6, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_hsync.dss_hsync */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20d8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_vsync.dss_vsync */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20da, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_acbias.dss_acbias */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20dc, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data0.dss_data0 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20de, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data1.dss_data1 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20e0, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data2.dss_data2 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20e2, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data3.dss_data3 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20e4, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data4.dss_data4 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20e6, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data5.dss_data5 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20e8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data6.dss_data6 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20ea, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data7.dss_data7 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20ec, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data8.dss_data8 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20ee, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data9.dss_data9 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20f0, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data10.dss_data10 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20f2, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data11.dss_data11 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20f4, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data12.dss_data12 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20f6, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data13.dss_data13 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20f8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data14.dss_data14 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20fa, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data15.dss_data15 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20fc, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data16.dss_data16 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20fe, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data17.dss_data17 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2100, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data18.dss_data18 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2102, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data19.dss_data19 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2104, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data20.dss_data20 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2106, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data21.dss_data21 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2108, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data22.dss_data22 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x210a, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data23.dss_data23 */ >; }; hdq_pins: hdq_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x21c6, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0) /* i2c3_sda.hdq */ >; }; bma180_pins: pinmux_bma180_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x213a, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4) /* gpio115 */ >; }; itg3200_pins: pinmux_itg3200_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20b8, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4) /* gpio56 */ >; }; hmc5843_pins: pinmux_hmc5843_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2134, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4) /* gpio112 */ >; }; penirq_pins: pinmux_penirq_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < /* here we could enable to wakeup the cpu from suspend by a pen touch */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2194, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4) /* gpio160 */ >; }; }; &omap3_pmx_core2 { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = < &hsusb2_2_pins >; hsusb2_2_pins: pinmux_hsusb2_2_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3630_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25f0, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d10.hsusb2_clk */ OMAP3630_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25f2, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d11.hsusb2_stp */ OMAP3630_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25f4, PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d12.hsusb2_dir */ OMAP3630_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25f6, PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d13.hsusb2_nxt */ OMAP3630_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25f8, PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d14.hsusb2_data0 */ OMAP3630_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25fa, PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d15.hsusb2_data1 */ >; }; spi_gpio_pins: spi_gpio_pinmux { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3630_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25d8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE4) /* clk */ OMAP3630_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25e6, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE4) /* cs */ OMAP3630_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25e8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE4) /* tx */ OMAP3630_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25e4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE4) /* rx */ >; }; }; &i2c1 { clock-frequency = <2600000>; twl: twl@48 { reg = <0x48>; interrupts = <7>; /* SYS_NIRQ cascaded to intc */ interrupt-parent = <&intc>; clocks = <&hfclk_26m>; clock-names = "fck"; twl_audio: audio { compatible = "ti,twl4030-audio"; ti,enable-vibra = <1>; codec { ti,ramp_delay_value = <3>; }; }; twl_power: power { compatible = "ti,twl4030-power"; ti,use_poweroff; }; }; }; #include "twl4030.dtsi" #include "twl4030_omap3.dtsi" &i2c2 { clock-frequency = <400000>; /* pressure sensor */ bmp085@77 { compatible = "bosch,bmp085"; reg = <0x77>; interrupt-parent = <&gpio4>; interrupts = <17 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>; /* GPIO_113 */ }; /* accelerometer */ bma180@41 { compatible = "bosch,bma180"; reg = <0x41>; pinctrl-names = "default"; pintcrl-0 = <&bma180_pins>; interrupt-parent = <&gpio4>; interrupts = <19 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; /* GPIO_115 */ }; /* gyroscope */ itg3200@68 { compatible = "invensense,itg3200"; reg = <0x68>; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&itg3200_pins>; interrupt-parent = <&gpio2>; interrupts = <24 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>; /* GPIO_56 */ }; /* leds + gpios */ tca6507: tca6507@45 { compatible = "ti,tca6507"; #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; reg = <0x45>; gpio-controller; #gpio-cells = <2>; gta04_led0: red_aux@0 { label = "gta04:red:aux"; reg = <0x0>; }; gta04_led1: green_aux@1 { label = "gta04:green:aux"; reg = <0x1>; }; gta04_led3: red_power@3 { label = "gta04:red:power"; reg = <0x3>; linux,default-trigger = "default-on"; }; gta04_led4: green_power@4 { label = "gta04:green:power"; reg = <0x4>; }; wifi_reset: wifi_reset@6 { reg = <0x6>; compatible = "gpio"; }; }; /* compass aka magnetometer */ hmc5843@1e { compatible = "honeywell,hmc5883l"; reg = <0x1e>; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&hmc5843_pins>; interrupt-parent = <&gpio4>; interrupts = <16 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>; /* gpio112 */ }; /* touchscreen */ tsc2007@48 { compatible = "ti,tsc2007"; reg = <0x48>; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&penirq_pins>; interrupt-parent = <&gpio6>; interrupts = <0 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>; /* GPIO_160 */ gpios = <&gpio6 0 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; /* GPIO_160 */ ti,x-plate-ohms = <600>; touchscreen-size-x = <480>; touchscreen-size-y = <640>; touchscreen-max-pressure = <1000>; touchscreen-fuzz-x = <3>; touchscreen-fuzz-y = <8>; touchscreen-fuzz-pressure = <10>; touchscreen-inverted-y; }; /* RFID EEPROM */ m24lr64@50 { compatible = "atmel,24c64"; reg = <0x50>; }; }; &i2c3 { clock-frequency = <100000>; }; &usb_otg_hs { interface-type = <0>; usb-phy = <&usb2_phy>; phys = <&usb2_phy>; phy-names = "usb2-phy"; mode = <3>; power = <50>; }; &usbhshost { port2-mode = "ehci-phy"; }; &usbhsehci { phys = <0 &hsusb2_phy>; }; &mmc1 { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&mmc1_pins>; vmmc-supply = <&vmmc1>; bus-width = <4>; ti,non-removable; }; &mmc2 { vmmc-supply = <&vaux4>; bus-width = <4>; ti,non-removable; cap-power-off-card; mmc-pwrseq = <&wifi_pwrseq>; }; &mmc3 { status = "disabled"; }; &twl_keypad { status = "disabled"; }; &uart1 { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart1_pins>; }; &uart2 { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart2_pins>; }; &uart3 { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart3_pins>; }; &charger { ti,bb-uvolt = <3200000>; ti,bb-uamp = <150>; }; /* spare */ &vaux1 { regulator-min-microvolt = <2500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3000000>; }; /* sensors */ &vaux2 { regulator-min-microvolt = <2800000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <2800000>; regulator-always-on; }; /* camera */ &vaux3 { regulator-min-microvolt = <2500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <2500000>; }; /* WLAN/BT */ &vaux4 { regulator-min-microvolt = <2800000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3150000>; }; /* GPS LNA */ &vsim { regulator-min-microvolt = <2800000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3150000>; }; /* Needed to power the DPI pins */ &vpll2 { regulator-always-on; }; &dss { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = < &dss_dpi_pins >; status = "okay"; vdds_dsi-supply = <&vpll2>; port { dpi_out: endpoint { remote-endpoint = <&lcd_in>; data-lines = <24>; }; }; }; &venc { status = "okay"; vdda-supply = <&vdac>; #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; port { reg = <0>; venc_out: endpoint { remote-endpoint = <&opa_in>; ti,channels = <1>; ti,invert-polarity; }; }; }; &gpmc { ranges = <0 0 0x30000000 0x1000000>; /* CS0: 16MB for NAND */ nand@0,0 { compatible = "ti,omap2-nand"; reg = <0 0 4>; /* CS0, offset 0, IO size 4 */ interrupt-parent = <&gpmc>; interrupts = <0 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>, /* fifoevent */ <1 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>; /* termcount */ nand-bus-width = <16>; ti,nand-ecc-opt = "bch8"; gpmc,sync-clk-ps = <0>; gpmc,cs-on-ns = <0>; gpmc,cs-rd-off-ns = <44>; gpmc,cs-wr-off-ns = <44>; gpmc,adv-on-ns = <6>; gpmc,adv-rd-off-ns = <34>; gpmc,adv-wr-off-ns = <44>; gpmc,we-off-ns = <40>; gpmc,oe-off-ns = <54>; gpmc,access-ns = <64>; gpmc,rd-cycle-ns = <82>; gpmc,wr-cycle-ns = <82>; gpmc,wr-access-ns = <40>; gpmc,wr-data-mux-bus-ns = <0>; gpmc,device-width = <2>; #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <1>; x-loader@0 { label = "X-Loader"; reg = <0 0x80000>; }; bootloaders@80000 { label = "U-Boot"; reg = <0x80000 0x1c0000>; }; bootloaders_env@240000 { label = "U-Boot Env"; reg = <0x240000 0x40000>; }; kernel@280000 { label = "Kernel"; reg = <0x280000 0x600000>; }; filesystem@880000 { label = "File System"; reg = <0x880000 0>; /* 0 = MTDPART_SIZ_FULL */ }; }; }; &mcbsp2 { status = "okay"; }; &hdqw1w { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&hdq_pins>; }; &mcbsp4 { status = "okay"; };